Welcome to the TOPSTEEL GROUP Kft
in the name of the management and employees!
Why to choose the TOPSTEEL GROUP Kft. when you need steel Products?
Professional plan processing:
Our colleagues besides processing the plans, they also check and report any design error before the installation begins.
Estimated expenses:
You can tie prices throughout the Project or throughout the year to help plan the cost of reinforcing steel.
Unique offers, discounts:
We are able to guarantee additional price cut for resellers depending on turnover.
Outstanding quality assuring system:
All of our suppliers have the required Factory Certification required by the standards and regulations.
We offer wide scales of transporting apparatus:
We have 16 vehicles with capacity from 3.5 to 40 tons available.
We are able to supply our clients with self-loading vehicles or slide truck in smaller area upon request.

The TOPSTEEL GROUP Kft. was founded in 2005 as Betonacél Szerelő Kft. and its ownership is Hungarian of 100%. The owners are József Polgár CEO and Róbert Polgár General and Production Manager.
Since our establishment, our main field of activity has been the wholesale and retail of ironware and reinforcing steel, and the distribution of reinforcing steel products.
In the course of years, our service has been complemented by the manufacture of slit and pile fittings, which, due to the satisfaction of our partners, have shown a steady growth trend. At present, our main activity is the production, cutting and bending of reinforcing steel structures.
Our headquarters is located in Debrecen, at Balmazújvárosi út 2.
There are currently three steel processing plants on the site: one is in Budapest and two are in Ondód, with a total processing capacity of over 11,000 m2 per day, up to Ø6mm - Ø32mm according to the design documentation of 400 tons.
Unique to our sites, more than 10,000 tons of products are available to our customers.
Our newly built production hall in Ondód, as a greenfield investment, is currently the most advanced and supplied with the highest proportion of automated reinforcing steel working machines in Hungary.
Schnell, an Italian leader in the field of world-class manufacturing technology and design of reinforcing steel machine lines, is the manufacturer of the most used machines and our production line at our sites.
In recent years, we have been able to develop continuously and successfully, in addition we have expanded our capacity year by year, resulting in an annual production capacity of approximately 100,000 tons.
We are the first company introducing a complete SAP-based enterprise resource planning system in the steel reinforcing industry, and we are currently in the process of introducing the most modern "Industry 4.0" digital production management system in Hungary.

Our results of the past years prove that we have a solid financial and economic background certified by the international financial rating company Bisnode with AAA. There are 0.63%. of the Hungarian companies have got such a rating.
name of the company | TOPSTEEL GROUP Építőipari, Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság |
short form | TOPSTEEL GROUP Kft. |
head office | 4031 Debrecen, Balmazújvárosi út 2. (47.541734, 21.601308) |
plant of ondód | 4002 Debrecen-Ondód, Búzamező u. (47.540270, 21.488534) |
plant of budapest | 1211 Budapest, Varrógépgyár utca 6.( 47.423641, 19.055527) |
founded | 2005. június 9. |
vat number | HU13520601 |
company reg.no. | 09-09-011683 |
reg.no. of mkik | 19A22521 |